Published on: 4 September 2023
Active Lambeth is excited to announce the upgrade and refurbishment of the Ferndale Community Sports Centre football pitches.
All football pitches and surrounding fencing at Ferndale will be replaced and upgraded with new and improved facilities. Works to replace the football pitches will commence on 11 September 2023. All football pitches and the Ferndale car park will be closed for refurbishment for approximately three weeks from 11 September 2023. Reopening of the football pitches will be staggered, with all pitches expected to open in early October 2023.
Sports activities held at the Ferndale Community Centre will continue as usual.
Please note key dates below.
11 September 2023: All Ferndale football pitches close, upgrade works commence
11 September – 25 September 2023: All football pitches and Ferndale car park closed for upgrade works
Early October 2023: All Ferndale football pitches and car park reopen
We appreciate your patience while we work to improve our facilities.
If you have any questions about the Ferndale upgrades, please email or call 07745 201074.